October 2023 Newsletter
HAPPY OCTOBER to everyone!! This month and next month, November, can be a most beautiful time of year to see all shades of the fall colors! This time of year, the car hobby begins to slow down. As it does, Fall festivals, Trunk-or-Treats, and Halloween parties become very popular to attend.
The Hershey Region AACA Fall Meet will be going on the very first week of October. Several of our members will be attending the meet as vendors, spectators, and or participants. It is a very exciting time of year to attend the meet. It is amazing how the meet has changed over the years. I remember attending as vendors when it was grass instead of macadam! The one year we had to be towed out by a tractor!! Also, when you’d walk up/down the muddy isles, you go to step and your foot would slip right out of your boot due to the amount of mud you were walking in!! I remember and look back on that now and it’s funny and interesting, but then, it was scary and very frustrating, to say the least! I remember the white field which was located across from the main show in the fields located below the school, where the campers park now. Furthermore, there was a Spring show held besides the Fall show. How many of you remember that? Your Elected Director, Sally Getz

“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes – September, 2023
Meeting called to order @ 7:30 pm., 16 members present. “WELCOME” everyone to tonight’s meeting. Anyone do anything exciting during the past summer you’d like to share? Dan got T-boned in Sandy’s car. Car is totaled, but most importantly, Dan is okay.
Motion to accept August meeting minutes, n/a (Summer vacation).
Treasurer’s Report: Treasurers report for August 2023, motion to accept, Kathleen Duckett, seconded by Tom Duckett, so carried.
Historian: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO “FREE SPIRIT” CHAPTER, BCA. The members present sang “Happy Birthday” to the chapter. This chapter, “Free Spirit” chapter is 46 years old this month. The verbal implementation of this chapter’s birth was discussed during Das Awkcht Fescht, 1977.
Lehighton: Show flyers are available for your taking to hand out at shows you attend. Looking for members to attend to help in the many duties to host this show. The Franklin Township Lions to provide food in the main pavilion. Ads will be placed on multiple web sites for the car show. Ad has been submitted to Pete Phillips for the September/ October “Bugle” issues. An Honorary Dave Brady Award will be presented to a lucky person in attendance by Debbie Brady, this year.
Membership: Took in several new members during the summer months. Dini Vigliano was in attendance and was introduced to others during tonight’s meeting. Also, took in a new/old member during DAF: Richard Purvis, Lansdale, Pa. 3 members have not renewed as of August 31, 2023: Barry Lespearance, Peggy/”King” Scheadel, Donald Williams.
E-Newsletter/Newsletter: Still a work in the making. E-newsletter problems? I welcome concerns, questions, recommendations. I send out 7 paper newsletters to those members who do not have an e-mail address/computer, compared to 75 paper newsletters.
Ways-n-Means: Sold Ways-n-Means during Tri-Regional Show, June during Morgantown, and DAF. Sold a Buick blanket during the summer. Will be selling items during next months’ Hershey AACA Fall Meet.
OLD BUSINESS: John Schieb asked Tri-Regional team members about hosting a 2027 Buick National, Windom Hotel, Gettysburg. Team denied due to losing members, member ships already up in age, members not wanting to be available to volunteer to help, etc. Kevin Keenan, NY losing eyesight, John Schieb already high 80’s, the rest, not sure how things will be, etc. Each chapter who put out seed money to help past Morgantown show start, will receive a kick back. The past event did come out with a profit and so will give back as was discussed and voted upon when the team first got together
October Fest = “Save the date! You are invited on October 14th to an October Fest at our home. We will start about 2:30 pm and end by ??? We will provide hotdogs, bratwurst. knockwurst along with sauerkraut. There will be coleslaw, potato salad and Gurke Salat (cucumber salad). Of course, there will be pretzels. Please feel free to bring a dish to share or just bring yourself. Although we have plenty of seating, we do request that you bring folding chairs just in case they are needed. This is BYOB— bring your own beverage, as we are not sure who likes to drink what. Also, we request that you do not bring any pets. Please let us know if you will attend by October 1st so we can plan accordingly.” Please save the following date on your calendar. Saturday, October 14, 2023, Kathy and Tom Duckett, 6023 Riverview Road, Slatington, Pa, 18080. 610-762-4041. Be sure to let us know before October 1, 2023. Come out and enjoy the day with us.
Kathleen/Thomas Duckett

Taking nominations for the following, in October:
- Director (2 yr.)
- Assistant Director (2 yr.)
- Secretary (1 yr.)
- Treasurer (1 yr.)
- Membership Chairperson (1 yr.)
- Activities Director (1yr.)
- BOD (2) (Dan Reiniger and Steve Bubbenmoyer will remain on BOD for 1 more year)
Nominations will be taken to vote during the October meeting.
AACA Library – Bill Hallman shared that during the Hershey AACA Fall Meet, the AACA Library will have a large tent on the grounds behind the AACA Library building with a literature yard sales from 4-7pm on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. This will be in conjunction of the tent literature sales as in the past. This will hopefully allow a better shopping experience for those in attendance. There will be a food truck to provide chicken fingers n fries.
Bugle – How many members have gotten their September issue of the “Bugle?” Have you read section “Letters to Editor?” How many agree with a person’s complaint? If you disagree with what this person has stated, PLEASE E-mail Pete Phillips and let him know how great of a job he has been and is still doing with the “Bugle.”
REMEMBER, October’s meeting is on the 2nd Tuesday, October 10th due to some members attending Hershey.
X-mas “Holiday Gathering” event to be held here @ the Starlite Diner n Lounge on Tuesday, December 5th. No meeting will be held, just a night of fun! Watch future e-newsletters for future information, SAVE THE DATE!!
Buick registration for Sunday of DAF 2024, Macungie: Ed Lenny discussed that at present, the requirements for cars being 25 years or older to register for that Sunday during the event. Question to change this requirement is, can the club decide what the cut off is? Group vote taken, 8 to 3, decided to accept all years of Buick, no cut off. Steve Chappelear will reach out to have online resources updated.
Motion made to adjourn: Isabell Lenny, seconded by Alice Scahffer, so carried. Time 8:20 pm.
Respectfully submitted: Lisa Chappelear
October Meeting Date Change, and Nominations
Please mark your October meeting calendar. The chapter dinner meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 10th due to some chapter members attending the Hershey Region AACA Fall meet. Besides the date change, during the October chapter business meeting, nominations for the following positions will be taken:
Tuesday, December 5, 2023 the annual “Holiday Gathering” will take place @ the home of the monthly meetings, Starlite Diner & Lounge. Social hour will be from 5 – 6 pm, w/dinner following @ 6 pm. In November’s newsletter, the entrees will be offered, furthermore, you will be able to make your reservations for this event. “CRAZY BINGO” will return!! When you make your reservation(s), each person, please bring a wrapped gift (value up to $15.00). While each person attending brings a wrapped gift, they will return to home with an unwrapped gift.

- 10 – Monthly chapter meeting, NOTE DATE CHANGE DUE TO HERSHEY AACA MEET. Dinner @ 6 pm, business meeting following at 7:30 pm. Hope you can make this meeting. Nominations to be taken for Director, Assistant Director, Secretary, Treasurer, and 2 BOD’s.
- 14 – OCTOBER FEST, Tom/Kathy Duckett’s Home, Slatington, Pa, 2:30 – ????
- 29 – Lehighton Old Car show, Phifers Ice Dams, 880 Main Road, Lehighton, PA
- 7 – Monthly chapter business meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, dinner @ 6 pm, business meeting 7:30 pm.
- 5 – Annual “Holiday Gathering”, Starlite Diner and Lounge, Rt 100, Allentown, Pa. Social hour 5-6 pm, dinner @ 6 pm.
- #1063 NOS 1976-78 Pontiac Firebird/Trans Am, $30.00
- #1064 1979-80 Chevy Monza/Pontiac Sunbird/Wagon, #22020565, $30.00
- #1065 NOS 1969-70 P8 Pontiac Bonneville/Catalina, #9795710, #30.00
- #1066 NOS 1969-72 Cadillac, #1494755, $100.00
- #1067 1965-67 LeSabre/WC/Electra, #387335, $25.00
- #1068 1963-64 LeSabre/WC/Invicta/Electra,
- 1963-70 Riviera, have 3, $25.00 each
- #1069 1962-77 Pontiac/Chevy/Oldsmobile/Buick, #3840083, $25.00
- #1070 1968-70 LeSabre/WC/Electra, $25.00
- #1071 1973-75 Chevy Truck, CK 123 Pick-up
- 1973-75 Chevy CK 123 Suburban, K/S Blazer, have 2, #6274597, $25.00 each
- #1072 1971-75 All “B” Buick/Olds/Chevy/Cadillac, #1236158. $25 each
- #1073 1963-74 LeSabre/Electra/Wagon,
- 1963-70 Riviera, have 4, #1234301-1, $25.00 each
- #1075 1959 Oldsmobile/Pontiac/Chevy Corvette, #3760336, $25.00
- #262 1967 Buick Sportwagon 4 piece partial set, tinted glass, $75.00/piece
- #263 1967 Buick Sportwagon Tailgate window glass, tinted, $125.00
- #264 1967 Skylark 4 dr hdt, NON-tinted, REAR $100.00
- #265 1965 Skylark Coupe, NON-tinted, REAR $100.00
- #266 1967 Skylark 4 dr hdt, tinted, FRONT, $100.00
- #267 1968-72 Buick “A” body, #3090, REAR, (2 total) 1 = NON-tinted, 1 = tinted, $100.00 each
- #268 1970-72 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme Coupe, #3568, tinted, REAR, (2 glass’s total) $100.00 each
- #269 1966 Skylark Coupe, #2789, NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #270 1963-65 Riv REAR, (7 total) 5- tinted, 2- NON-tinted, $100.00 each
- #273 1973 Centurion Conv., tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #274 1957 Oldsmobile, NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #275 #4133 GM Tailgate window, tinted, $100.00
- #276 1967 Electra 4 dr hdt, tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #277 1965 Electra 4 dr hdt NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #280 1965 WC 4 dr hdt, NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #281 1967-68 LeSabre 4 dr sdn, #3009,1- NON-tinted,1- tinted,rear, $100.00 each
- #282 1962- 64 Cadillac Cp Deville, tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #284 1969 LeSabre 4 dr hdt, NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #285 1966-69 Riv, 2- NON-tinted, 5-tinted, REAR, $100.00 ea
- #286 1971 Olds Cutlass “S”, tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #287 1967 LeSabre 4 dr hdt, NON-tinted, REAR, $100.00
- #288 1968 Special 4 dr, tinted, FRONT windshield, $100.00
- #289 1968 LeSabre 4 dr sedan, tinted, FRONT, $100.00
- #290 1969 LeSabre 4 dr hdt, tinted, FRONT, $100.00
- #292 1964 WC 4 dr sedan, NON-tinted, REAR,$100.00
- #298 1962-64 Buick FS FRONT door window, total 7 pieces, Drivers (4) = 1 tinted, 3 = NON-tinted; passenger (3), 1- tinted, 2- NON-tinted, $75.00 each piece
- #299 1964 WC 4 dr sedan, pair of FRONT, L/R NON-tinted, $75.00
- #300 1963-65 Riviera FRONT glass, Drivers (4) 1 = tinted, 3 = NON-tinted; Passenger (7) 3 = tinted, 4 = NON-tinted, $75.00 each piece
- #301 1965 WC 4 dr hdt,NON=tinted, set of 4 glass, $250.00/set of 4
- #302 1966 Electra 4 dr sedan, NON-tinted, set of 4 glass, $250/set
- #303 1967 Electra 4 dr , tinted, RH/LH (pair), FRONT glass, $125.00
- #304 1967 LeSabre/WC, NON-tinted, RH/LH pr, FRONT, $125.00
- #306 1967 Skylark 4 dr hdt, NON-tinted, set of 4, $300.00
- #307 1971 Olds Cutlass Supreme, tinted, 2 dr RH/LH 1 pair, $100.00. RH = 1 piece = $65.00
- #308 1972 Chevy FS car, tinted, RH FRONT, $75.00
- #309 1966 Skylark, RH, (2) 1 = tinted, 1 – NON-tinted $75.00 each
- #310 1965 Skylark RH, NON-tinted, $75.00
- #311 1967 Sportwagon tinted, FRONT pair, 150.00 $200.00
- #312 1966-6 Riviera 2 dr tinted, FRONT, 2 pairs, $200.00/pair
- #313 1973 Centurion 2 dr conv, tinted pair, $200.00/pair
- #314 1970 Buick GS, tinted pair, $150.00
- #316 1970-72 Skylark, tinted, $150.00
- #317 1970-72 Skylark, tinted, single, $60.00
- #318 Grand Am Sunroof, 34 x 18 ¾, $275.00 (on line price,$300.00 for new)
- #250 1966-69 Riv REAR ¼ glass, tinted, LH-6, RH- 8, $25.00 EACH, 2/$40.00
- #251 1963-65 Riviera REAR ¼ glass, tinted, LH = 4, RH = 4, NON Tinted, LH = 3, RH = 4, $50.00 EACH.
- #254 1964-65 Skylark, 9704460/ 9704461 NON tinted, LH- 2,RH -1, $50.00 each
- #255 1966 Wildcat conv, RH NON tinted, LH tinted, $75.00 each (same as ’65 and all other models of ’65-66 “B” bodied convertibles)
- #256 1971 Skylark Coupe, tinted pair, $150.00
- #257 1971 Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme, 2 pair tinted, $150.00/each pair
- #258 1967 LeSabre/Wildcat, NON tinted pair, $125.00
- #260 #11 1966 Skylark, NON tinted pair, $100.00 (off a conv or pillarless htp)
- #350 1966 Riviera rear ¼ glass. 2 pair, $100.00/pair
- #351 1963 Skylark Conv., (2 pcs.) = $75.00
- #352 1965 Skylark RH, (3 pcs.) = $75.00
- #353 1967 Skylark 4-dr hdt, LH/RH REAR, LH/RH FRONT, $100.00/2 rear, $150.00/2 front, or all 4/$200.00
- #354 1967 Sport Wagon 1 pair front, $100.00/pr
- #355 1971 Skylark window tracks, LH/RH 2 pr,$40.00/pr;1 pr w/ regulators, $100/pr
- #356 1965 W/C, 1 single LH REAR, = $50.00 (off OF 4 DR)
- #357 1966 W/C, ALL pcs REAR, $120.00/pair w/ all brackets
- #358 1966 Electra 4-dr sdn, 1 pr w/ motor rear, 1 pr front wo motor, 4 pcs =$200
- #359 1966-67 Chevelle 4-dr hdt, = $50.00
- #360 1973 Centurion w/ motor, = $60.00
- #362 1965 Riviera front regulator, 2 pcs, 1 w/ motor, 1 wo motor, $100.00
- #363 1964 Riviera regulator, $50.00
- #364 1963-64 Riviera window track, $20.00
- #356 1963-64 Riviera FRONT MANUAL regulator, $50.00
- #366 1963-64 Riviera lower front window channel, casting #5714706, $75.00
- #367 1963 Riviera LH/RH window regulator w/ motor, $150.00
- #368 1963 Riviera window regulator / motor, 2 pr LH/RH = 4 pcs. $150.00/pr
- #374 1966 Skylark, 2 piece, $50.00
- #751 1973 Centurion window regulator w/ motors, 1 pr front /1 rear= 3/$150.00
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