September 2013 Newsletter

"Free Spirit" Chapter of PA Officers for 2013 |
Director Sally Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 | Assistant Director Dan Reiniger 203 Bensal Road Hatboro, PA 19040-2305 215-441-8914 |
Secretary Stacy Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Treasurer Clarence Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 |
Membership Chairman Donald Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Publicity Chairman Kelly Haas 610-965-4279 |
Don Atwood, David Brady, Shirley Schaffer, Thomas Sylvester | |
Historian - All Members | |
Kempton Show - Clarence & Sally Getz | |
Newsletter - Sally Getz | |
Photographer - All Members | |
Property/Ways & Means - Clarence Getz | |
Publicity - Kelly Haas | |
Technical - All Members |
Director’s Thoughts for September 2013
‘KUDOS, KUDOS, KUDOS’ to the membership of this fine chapter! DAF 2013, with the BUICK being the feature car, is going down in history with a big huge ‘Hoorah!’ I have heard that this year has beaten all other years as far as the featured car attendance in the 50 years running of this show!! On Friday, out of 66 pre-registered cars, 46 were present on the field. On Saturday, out of 159 pre-registered, 130 were present. On Sunday, out of 120 pre-registered, 99 were present. Not too shabby, huh. Many ‘Thanks’ to those members who helped park the cars on the field.
The following is a re-cap of the weekend event(s):
- Friday – tent participant cars were placed under the tent by 9:00a.m. without a hitch. ‘Thank-You’ to those volunteering their cars under the tent & for being there on time. As the Chinese Auction did some business, some new memberships were taken in at the ways-n-means table. A lot of networking went on throughout the day. Weather was sunny but with intermittent clouds. Hospitality night was a success at Dave’s. Approximately 50 persons attended. The food & Buick enthusiasm/passion was marvelous. Many ‘Thanks’ to Dave/Debbie Brady for your hospitality, & to those members who helped Dave/Debbie out in hosting this portion of the 3-day event.
- Saturday – Despite the morning showers/mist, the end result was tremendous! Persons took advantage of sitting down to enjoy the Buick DVD’s/VHS tapes playing. The Buick event still went on as strong as ever. I was very much surprised at the 1910 car gleaming on the field despite the weather. The traffic under the tent was NEVERENDING! Everyone got to meet & greet so many people from everywhere. It was absolutely unbelievable! Again, much networking was taking place. One of many comments heard, a person was impressed with the knowledge of our Buick people about the cars or sent them to someone who could, is exciting to hear. The bus tour to America On Wheels was a hit. 21 persons took full advantage of this tour. Many ‘Thank You’s’ will be going to Kutztown Auto for this sponsorship. Again, as the Chinese Auction table did a good job selling tickets, More new chapter memberships were taken in.
- Sunday – As this last day of this event drew to a close, again, the traffic through the tent was unbelievable! Here, again, as Stacy Sterner & others were selling ways-n’-means items, Don Sterner received more new chapter memberships. Along with registering new members, National membership forms & Bugles were handed out like candy. As Clarence & Laura Getz sold Chinese Auction tickets, Dolores Kennedy & Kathleen Duckett were selling the Avon Basket/bag raffle tickets. ‘Thanks’ to Mr. & Mrs. John Scheib, Mr. Jesse Morton, Mr. John Henry, & friend on serving the peaches n’ creme. ‘Thank you’ to Mr. Jesse Morton for this sponsorship. During the social, Mr. Larry Giancola gave a presentation on Amsoil: Oils & Lubes.
Clarence & I, once again, want to ‘Thank’ all the chapter members for their involvement in working together as a team to pull off such an event with such a tremendous huge success!!
As with every year, the chapter gives out 3 awards:
- BCA – Susan/Mike Manherz, Thurmont, MD – 1927 Unrestored Buick Roadster
- J. C. Taylor – Stephen Dixon, Perkasie, PA – 1963 Buick Riviera
- In Memory of Deceased Members – Ed Orr, Hawley, PA – 1940 Buick Century Phaeton
I invite you to go onto the web site,, to view the pictures from DAF 2013.
This is just one of many small ‘Thank you’s’ from a DAF 2013 participant:
- Sally, just wanted to let you know how much we enjoyed the show & appreciated all the work & energy your club put into it. You had a lot of personal touches that I am sure everyone appreciated. I know we were really surprised & pleased to receive the Best Unrestored car award with ‘Homer’, the ’27 Buick. Suzy Manherz
- Abbott, Robert/Regina, 2515 Halleck Dr., Whitehall, PA 18052 2013 Encore
- Altemose, Charles, Jr. 432 Birch Rd., Hellertown, PA 18055 1972 Skylark Custom
- Brehm, Michael/Kelly, 3704 Grant St., Reading, PA 19606 1966 Wildcat Custom Convertible, 46667 1986 Grand National
- Gamble, Dante/Christine, 2 Braxton Ct., Quakertown, PA 18951 1972 Sun Coupe 1972 Skylark
- Giacchino, Joseph/Josephine, 1783 Chateau Place, Unit B, Easton, PA 18045. 1985 Riviera
- Gortva, Allisom/David, 1127 Cunnius St., Freeland, PA 18324 1957 Roadmaster Riviera, 73A
- Hums, John/Dorothy McWilliams, 3000 E. High St., Lot 13, Pottstown, PA 19464 2013 Verano
- Kohl, Dick/Allegra, 403 Buchanan Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522 1939 Century, 1940 Century, 1941 Century, 1965 Riviera, 49447
- Miller, Leon/Rosemarie, 3 Moore Road, Mohnton, PA 19540 1983 Riviera Convertible, 4EZ67
- Sackeroff, Ronald, 1825 W. 12th St., Apt 4-L, Brooklyn, NY 11224 Future Buick owner!
“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes, August 2013
No meeting held.
Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
Board Of Directors Meeting Minutes, July 24, 2013
A special meeting of the ‘Free Spirit’ Board of Directors was held on Wednesday, July 24, 2013. The meeting was to finalize all details of DAF. The meeting was called to order @ 6:30p.m. By director, Sally Getz. Members present: Clarence Getz, Don/Stacy Sterner, Dave Brady, Kelly Haas, Dan Reiniger, Don Atwood, Tom Sylvester, & Shirley Schaffer. Guests were: Dolores Kennedy, Sandy Dylvester, & Sandy Reiniger. Members were asked to look over the minutes of the July 10 BOD meeting. Motion made to accept those minutes made by Don Atwood, seconded by Don Sterner, so carried.
Das Awkscht Fescht
- Tent – Up by Thursday. Asking for many chapter members to come @ 3:00p.m. To help with set-up. Kutztown Auto to have 2014 Encore in place.
- Tent Graph – shows where cars, tables, pictures, balloons, etc. to be placed.
- Car Placement(s) – cars to be @ tent by 0800 on Friday for placement.
- Display Cards – display cards & ‘Welcome’ banner completed. Banner was shown to everyone-Excellant! Banner is generic to be used in the future.
- Table Material – material to be on tables for under-table-storage during show.
- Lazy Susan Literature – ready to go.
- Welcome letter(s) – each Buick car registrant will receive a ‘WELCOME’ letter. On backside is ‘WELCOME’ letter from John Scheib/Hank Reus, Jr.
- Water – H2O has been bought, will be in cooler available for members.
- Registration – Shirley has reported: 2513 cars are registered of all makes/models. Buick’s registered=Friday=66, Saturday=159, Sunday=120.
- Goodie Bags – following tonights’ business meeting, the goodie bags will be assembled. ‘Thanks’ to the 3 guests for coming out to help w/ this project!
- Fundraiser(s) (Ways-n-Means) – Dave ordered fans, rulers, & yardsticks. Dave asked to have donations accepted for fans under tent. Members agreed to sell rulers/yardsticks for $5.00 each, & Buick throws for $50.00. Umbrella project on hold.
- Raffle/Chinese Auction – items have been collected from area merchants, restaurants, & members for auction. To be done each day @ 4:00p.m. Avon basket raffle to be drawn on Sunday @ 4:00p.m.
- Sponsors – sponsorship board completed. Pending yet the 2 anonymous sponsors, Dave to achieve this & forward $$ to Sally by next week. Rest of sponsorship $$ has been obtained & deposits made.
- National BCA Office – Mike/Nancy Book has declined on visiting w/ us during event, but has sent Bugles to assist in promoting National BCA.
- Friday: Hospitality Night – to be held @ Dave’s in Emmaus, Pa. Staring @ 5�00p.m. Members asked to meet Friday move tables/chairs for set-up. Debbie is asking members for help only w/ the preparation of food.
- Saturday: AOW Bus Tour – 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m. Bus ride to/from AOW & lunch provided. Stacy Sterner to host this tour. Sign-up board available.
- Sunday: Peaches n’ Creme Social – 1:00p.m. Help needed to serve.
- Awards – chapter will present 3 awards:
- J. C. Taylor
- Memory of Deceased Members
- Presentation – Larry Giancola to present, Amsoil, Oils & Lubes during social. Seats provided for social & entertainment.
- Comments – members have been reminded to bring their chairs!
Motion made to adjourn @ 7:30p.m. By Shirley Schaffer, seconded by Done Sterner, so carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
Are you missing something??
If you had attended the chapters’ picnic held in June @ Macungie & are missing a yellow Tupperware salad fork, please let me know for I have had this since & I know it does not belong to me. I would like it to find its’ way home. Contact me @ 610-377-6130 & we can make arrangements for this salad fork to get back to its’ rightful home Thank you. Sally Getz.
Clover Hill Winery Tour, November 3, 2013
Our club will be taking a private tour & tasting event at Clover Hill Vineyards & Winery, Sunday, November 3, 2013. We will meet in the lower end of the Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, Allentown, PA parking lot @ 11:30a.m., & depart @ 11:45a.m. The Winery is only a short distance from the diner. Our private tour begins @ 12:00 noon. You may, or may not purchase any wine. The choice is yours. Our tour will be followed by lunch, on your own, @ Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant.
Member = $5.00 per member
Non-member = $12.00/person
Must be 21 years of age to attend this tour. Please remit to Stacy/Don Sterner, 121 Pheasant Drive, Kutztown, Pa 19530. Please make check payable to �Free Spirit� chapter. R. S. V. P. by Friday, November 1, 2013. Stacy/Don Sterner
1 – Slatington Lions Club Show, Slatington, Pa.
3 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00 pm. Guest speaker will be present.
8 – Strausstown Antique Auto Show w/ Flea Market, Strausstown, Pa.
8 – 37th Annual Springtown Show, Springtown, Pa.
15 – Star Buick GMC Show, Easton, Pa. NEW this year, Oldsmobile!! Could this be a BOP show?
21 -Lighthouse Baptist Church Show, Breinigsville, Pa. 1:00 pm – ???? Tom/Sandy Sylvestor 610-366-7151(PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE)
27-29 – Englishtown Swap Meet, Raceway Park, Englishtown, NJ
28-29 – HOOPLA Weekend, Allentown, Pa. 610-433-7777
1 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00 pm. (Nominations of officers taken).
9-12 – Hershey Region AACA Fall Meet, Hershey, Pa
12 – 4th Annual Macungie Cool Down Car Show, Macungie Park
19 – Touched By Cancer Car Show, LVH-Muhlenberg, Pa. 267-240-3000
20 – Oktoberfest Car Show, American Legion Post #927, Gilbert, Pa.
27 – KEMPTON CAR SHOW. Member participation encouraged PLEASE!
3 – Clover Hill Winery Tour. Details in this newsletter.
5 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00pm. (Elections of officers/BOD to be taken)
14 – Stoogeum Tour, details to follow.
1967 Electra Convertibles – Turquoise w/ black interior & original white w/ red interior. Originals, loaded w/ options, excellent shape, nice driver, mag wheels, electric trunk release, 3 note horn, corning lights, 6 power windows, speed reminder, etc. Always stored inside. Contact Harris, 215-248-5700
1969 Skylark Convertible –
1952 Buick AM radio – John Giotti, 610-310-7512,
Set of 4 – NOS full size 1951 Buick hubcaps-never used! Set of 4 used 1963 LeSabre hubcaps-good condition. Ed @ 610-967-6053
Used it to haul children to school?
Need to earn money to keep her running great?
Why not consider joining Avon and keep your baby in fantastic shape!
Mary Lacy, Ind. AVON Sales Rep.
639 W Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18102
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