October 2013 Newsletter

"Free Spirit" Chapter of PA Officers for 2013 |
Director Sally Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 sally@buickfreespirit.org | Assistant Director Dan Reiniger 203 Bensal Road Hatboro, PA 19040-2305 215-441-8914 dan@buickfreespirit.org |
Secretary Stacy Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 stacy@buickfreespirit.org | Treasurer Clarence Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 clarence@buickfreespirit.org 610-377-6130 |
Membership Chairman Donald Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 don@buickfreespirit.org | Publicity Chairman Kelly Haas 610-965-4279 kelly@buickfreespirit.org |
Don Atwood, David Brady, Shirley Schaffer, Thomas Sylvester | |
Historian - All Members | |
Kempton Show - Clarence & Sally Getz | |
Newsletter - Sally Getz | |
Photographer - All Members | |
Property/Ways & Means - Clarence Getz | |
Publicity - Kelly Haas | |
Technical - All Members |
Director’s Thoughts for October 2013
It was really great to see fellow members again @ Septembers meeting! It’s very hard to believe it is time to meet again! The summer surely did fly by quickly! It was nice to meet new members, Joe & Josephine Giacchino, of Easton. I am pretty sure they thoroughly enjoyed their evening w/ us.
In reading a local paper the other evening, 2 chapter members deserve some recognition: ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ to George Grossman w/ his1969 Buick Skylark & to Paul Scahffer w/ his Chevrolet Caprice. They both received a Second Place award during the 25th Annual Slatington Lions Club Show. Also, ‘CONGRATULATIONS’ to Dennis Snell for being awarded 1st place of the Buick class @ the Star BOP show w/ his 1929 Series 121!
As the car season winds down, the Hershey Fall Meet & the Kempton show is just around the corner! Once Das Awkscht Fescht is over, the season really goes fast. I am looking forward to the Hershey meet this year. It is such an educational experience for everyone. Besides, the smell of making ‘Hershey’ products take over your nose! You just have to buy some ‘Chocolate(s)’! What’s visiting Hershey, PA without enjoying some chocolate? Life is just like a box of chocolates’, as Forest Gump says.
During the October meeting, the nominating committee will present its slate of officers & BOD for 2014. Also, the director will entertain &/or accept nominations from the membership @ large. Please attend the October meeting. During Novembers meeting, members will then cast their vote(s).
As the Kempton show grows near, I am confident that on Sunday, October 27th, we will have GOOD weather! What else could we possibly put up with? (Don’t answer that.) As usual, we are looking for member volunteers to please attend to help out where needed. Again, just like this past DAF 2013, the show, besides the car show participants & vendors, turns into a success when you, the ‘Free Spirit’ chapter members, come out to help support his show. The Getzs’ will be in need of volunteers to meet on Saturday (the day before the show), to set up. Please let them know before Friday, October 25th. Your assistance is appreciated. 484-464-3418 / 610-703-3544.
I am looking forward to the chapters’ Novembers events: Clover Hill Vineyards &Winery Tour, Stoogeum Tour, & Harold F. Pitcairn, The Wings of Aviation Freedom Museum. I hope you can make 1 or all. Please be sure to send your reservations. Feel free to go on their perspective web sites, www.cloverhillwinery.com,www.stoogeum.com, www.wingsoffreedom .org for further information. Please show your support to the tourmasters for their diligent work to bring you some enjoyment w/ driving your BUICKS this fall!
I guess I got a little winded oh, by the way HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Your Elected Director, Sally Getz
“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes, September 2013
Director, Sally Getz, called the meeting to order @ 7:30 pm. There were 20 members & 2 guests present. Sally ‘Welcomed’ everyone back after the summer hiatus. She ‘Welcomed’ new members, Joe & Josephine Giacchino of Easton, PA, to our meeting. They are proud owners of a 1985 Buick Riviera.. Sally asked about everyone’s summer, & shared with us their experience at the Buick National’s @ South Bend, IN. Sally introduced our guest speakers, Kori Underwood & Sarah Raynock from Haggerty Insurance Co. The company is a provider of insurance for classic & antique automobiles. Kori & Sarah were very informative & gave us all a lot to think about when buying insurance. Following our guest speakers, a motion was made to accept the meeting minutes of May as printed in the June news- letter by Isabel Lenny, seconded by Dolores Kennedy, so carried. Clarence Getz gave the Treasurer’s report for August. A motion was made to accept this report by Shirley Schaffer, seconded by Don Sterner, so carried.
- I. Committee Reports
- A. Historian – photos of DAF are now up on the club website.
- B. Kempton – Flyers are available. A clipboard went around w/ a sign-up sheet to volunteer for various duties during the Kempton event. If there are any questions about Kempton, contact Sally or Clarence.
- C. Membership – Don reported, received 11 new members at DAF. To date, while 2 former members resigned, 44 renewed their membership.
- D. Newsletter – No Report
- E. Programs – Tonight’s program from Haggerty Insurance was very informative. There is no program scheduled for Octobers meeting. This will be a nice break & give us all a chance to socialize. If anyone has any suggestions for a tour, we can use this time to discuss them.
- F. Publicity – An ad was placed in the Bugle for the Kempton show.
- G. Technical – No Report
- H.Ways and Means – Clarence reported that 6 yard sticks and 14 rulers were sold at DAF. Buick fans were distributed by way of donation. Sally reported that for the month of September only, Buick throws would be available to club members at a discounted cost of $35. This is a one time offer. If anyone is interested, please contact Sally, or one of the Board members.
- II. OLD BUSINESS 2013 DAF is now ‘Old’ Business. After all expenses, through fundraisers & contributions, the club did well! There were many positive comments about the displays in our tent. This was the largest turnout of ‘Featured Cars’ that were ever displayed at DAF. All in all, DAF 2013 was a huge success. Thanks to all the club members who gave up there time to help out. This was an event our club can be very proud of!!
- Clover Hill Winery Tour – Our club will be touring Clover Hill Winery on Sunday, November 3, 2013. We will meet in the lower end of the Starlite Diner parking lot on Rt. 100, Allentown, PA @ 11:30 a.m. We will depart at 11:45 am. The Winery is only a short distance from the diner. Our private tour & tasting begins at 12 noon. You may or may not purchase wine. Our tour will be followed by lunch, on your own, at Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant. This is a great opportunity to stock up on wine for the holidays!
- Stoogeum Museum (Ambler, PA) – On Thursday, November 14 we will tour a museum of memorabilia of the Three Stooges. Sally/Clarence Getz, along with Dan/Sandy Reiniger will be our tour guides for this trip. Watch your October newsletter for further details on this tour.
- BCA Minutes – Sally handed out a copy of the latest BCA minutes from July 18/19, 2013. As president of a BCA chapter, it is her responsibility to keep its’ members informed as to what is happening at the BCA level. These minutes can be viewed monthly on the BCA web site.
- Nomination of Officers – According to the revised chapter By-Laws from March 5, 2012, in Article 3, Section 3, we need to appoint a nominating committee for Officers & BOD for 2014. Article 3, Section 3 states: The nominating committee shall be formulated at the September meeting, consisting of the immediate past director, a member appointed by the Director & a member nominated from the floor.Because the immediate past director was Larry Martin, who is no longer a chapter member, the baton is passed to Sally, our current director. While Sally appointed Dolores Kennedy, Stacy Sterner was nominated from the floor. A motion was made to accept the nominating committee by Don Sterner, seconded by Don Atwood, so carried.
Offices to be filled are as follows:- Director (2 year term)
- Assistant Director (2 year term)
- Secretary (1 year term)
- Treasurer (1 year term)
- 2014 Board of Directors (4 needed):
- 2 Positions (2 year term)
- 2 Positions (1 year term)
If anyone is interested in running for any of the above positions, please contact a member of the Nominating Committee.
At 9:06 p.m., a motion was made to adjourn by Alice Schaffer, seconded by Isabel Lenny, so carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
Clover Hill Winery Tour, November 3, 2013
Our club will be taking a private tour & tasting event at Clover Hill Vineyards & Winery, Sunday, November 3, 2013. We will meet in the lower end of the Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, Allentown, PA parking lot @ 11:30a.m., & depart @ 11:45a.m. The Winery is only a short distance from the diner. Our private tour begins @ 12:00 noon. You may, or may not purchase any wine. The choice is yours. Our tour will be followed by lunch, on your own, @ Giovanni’s Italian Restaurant.
Member = $5.00 per member
Non-member = $12.00/person
Must be 21 years of age to attend this tour. Please remit to Stacy/Don Sterner, 121 Pheasant Drive, Kutztown, Pa 19530. Please make check payable to �Free Spirit� chapter. R. S. V. P. by Friday, November 1, 2013. Stacy/Don Sterner
The Stoogeum & Wings of Aviation Freedom Tours, November 14, 2013
The Stoogeum is the world’s 1st & only museum of Three Stooges memorabilia. Containing close to 10,000 pieces of Stoogeabilia, the Stoogeum (rhymes w/ museum) offers fans a chance to view a vast array of artifacts which celebrate the legacy of this legendary comedy team. The 10,000 square-foot, 3-story building houses anything & everything Stooge. Artifacts from 1918 to the present are on exhibit, including several interactive displays. The Stoogeum also contains a research library, a 16MM film storage vault & an 85-seat theater used for film screenings, lectures & special presentations. There is NO camera/phone picture taking at the Stoogeum, per request of owner of museum memorabilia. Please wear comfy shoes. The Stoogeum IS handicapped accessible.
Harold F. Pitcairn, Wings of Aviation Freedom Museum is run by the Delaware Valley Historical Aircraft Association (DVHAA). Its’ volunteers consist of veterans from WW II, Korean War, Vietnam, & Desert Storm. This exhibit contains 14 aircraft & nearly 40 display cases w/ separate focuses in WW I, the Pitcairn Era, WW II, the Tuskegee Airmen, the Cold War, Women in Aviation, Korea, Southeast Asia, & contemporary aviation & space exploration.
Join tourmasters, Reinigers’ & Getzs’ , @ Weis Markets, Emmaus, PA @ 8:45 AM, leaving promptly @ 9:00 AM. We will take a leisurely ride south to The Stoogeum, 904 Sheble Lane, Ambler, PA. Once there, the self tour will begin. Following this tour, we will enjoy lunch, on your own, @ Lancer’s Diner. From there, we will then take a guided tour of the Wings of Aviation Freedom Museum, 1155 Easton Rd., Horsham, PA. Please pre-register by Monday, November 11, 2013. Fill out form below, make check payable to ‘Free Spirit’ Chapter, & submit to Sally Getz, 1060 Main Road., Lehighton, PA 18235, csgetz@ptd.net, 610-377-6130.
Member= $10.00 per member X number of person(s)_________= $________
Non-member= $20.00/person X number of person(s)________ = $________
Children 12 & under=FREE Total= $________
Please join us for a fun-filled day! Sandy/Dan Reiniger, Sally/Clarence Getz
- The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
- Fuel for a 1910 car was sold in drug stores only.
- Only 14% of the homes had a bathtub.
- Only 8% of the homes had a telephone.
- There were only 8,000 cars & only 144 miles of paved roads.
- The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
- The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!
- The average US wage in 1910 was 22 cents per hour.
- The average US worker made between $200 & $400 per year.
- A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000/year, a dentist $2,500/year, a veterinarian between $1,500 & $4,000/year, & a mechanical engineer about $5,000/year.
- More than 95% of all births took place @ HOME.
- 90% of all doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION! Instead, they attended so=called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press & the government as ‘substandard.’
- While sugar cost 4 cents/lb., eggs were 14 cents/dozen &.coffee15 cents/lb.
- Women washed their hair once a month using Borax or egg yolks for shampoo.
- Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.
- The 5 leading causes of death were: pneumonia & influenza, TB, diarrhea, heart disease, stroke.
- The American flag had 45 stars.
- The population of Las Vegas, Nevada was only 30!
- Crossword puzzles, canned beer, & iced tea hadn’t been invented yet.
- There was no Mother’s Day or Father’s Day.
- 18% of households had @ least 1 full-time servant or domestic help.
- There were about 230 reported murders in the ENTIRE USA!
- 2 of every 10 adults couldn’t read or write & only 6% of all Americans had graduated from high school.
1 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00 pm. (Nominations of officers taken).
9-12 – Hershey Region AACA Fall Meet, Hershey, Pa
12 – 4th Annual Macungie Cool Down Car Show, Macungie Park
19 – Touched By Cancer Car Show, LVH-Muhlenberg, Pa. 267-240-3000
20 – Oktoberfest Car Show, American Legion Post #927, Gilbert, Pa.
27 – KEMPTON CAR SHOW. Member participation encouraged PLEASE!NOVEMBER
3 – Clover Hill Winery Tour. Details in this newsletter.
5 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00pm. (Elections of officers/BOD to be taken)
14 – Stoogeum Tour, details to follow.December
3 – Annual Chapter ‘Holiday Gathering’ Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 78/100, Allentown, PA. Social hour w/ cash bar @ 5:00pm, dinner @ 6:00pm.CARS/PARTS “FOR SALE” 1967 Electra Convertibles – Turquoise w/ black interior & original white w/ red interior. Originals, loaded w/ options, excellent shape, nice driver, mag wheels, electric trunk release, 3 note horn, corning lights, 6 power windows, speed reminder, etc. Always stored inside. Contact Harris, 215-248-57001969 Skylark Convertible – kimberly.pavlick@scranton.edu
1952 Buick AM radio – John Giotti, 610-310-7512, jpgiotti@gmail.com
Set of 4 – NOS full size 1951 Buick hubcaps-never used! Set of 4 used 1963 LeSabre hubcaps-good condition. Ed @ 610-967-6053
1966 Buick Riviera – excellent condition. Is a BCA member. Located in CT. 15K OBO. Arlen Roth 914-629-9654
1956 Buick Century 4 Dr. Riviera, PS, PB, AM/FM radio conversion, next to NEW COKER wide whites w/ rubber nubs. Rear air shocks to supplement the BUICK ride! Original unrestored BUICK! Also comes w/ large tote of NOS & rare items worth about almost $1,000 if sold on E-Bay. Shop manuals, showroom sales brochure & a file of all records of maintenance. Trim=633. Paint=BMB or 8M8. Acc:F S. Body= #530. Style= #56-4639. Model= #56-63. Vin=6C3005072. $14,000 but is subject to discussion. Bob @ 1-570-606-8061, bobs0825@msn.com
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Need to earn money to keep her running great?
Why not consider joining Avon and keep your baby in fantastic shape!
Mary Lacy, Ind. AVON Sales Rep.
639 W Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18102
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