May 2013 Newsletter

"Free Spirit" Chapter of PA Officers for 2013 |
Director Sally Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 | Assistant Director Dan Reiniger 203 Bensal Road Hatboro, PA 19040-2305 215-441-8914 |
Secretary Stacy Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Treasurer Clarence Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 |
Membership Chairman Donald Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Publicity Chairman Kelly Haas 610-965-4279 |
Don Atwood, David Brady, Shirley Schaffer, Thomas Sylvester | |
Historian - All Members | |
Kempton Show - Clarence & Sally Getz | |
Newsletter - Sally Getz | |
Photographer - All Members | |
Property/Ways & Means - Clarence Getz | |
Publicity - Kelly Haas | |
Technical - All Members |
Director’s Thoughts for May 2013
May is a beautiful time of year. Things come to life during May. As the days are warmer, the house heat can be turned off. The windows are open to let the fresh air in. The flowers find their way up through the dirt and begin to bloom. As the grass becomes green, the lawn mower gets a workout! You awaken in the morning only to hear the birds chirping. Besides all of this, the car season really gets under way. Shows, cruises, and events start popping up all over the place. If you own a convertible, you can drive with the top down & do not have to worry about being FRIED!
As you know, May will be the last time we meet for the monthly meetings before our summer hiatus. Please keep abreast of the Calendar of Events & the progress of DAF 2013 for it is May already, only 3 more months to go!
This month our meeting guest speaker will be a representative from the Gift of Life program. Please attend to hear what miracles do happen!
Just a reminder, May 16th is the tour to the PA State Police Museum & Academy. Be sure to get your reservation(s) to Sally by May 14th! Read further on in this newsletter for more information.
Coming in June, is membership renewal time. Don’t forget to renew your dues with Don Sterner! Also, June 16th is the chapters’ annual picnic. Read further on for more information.
This chapter has received a ‘THANK YOU’ from Dave Davis, Director of the New Jersey Chapter & its’ membership, for our chapters’ donation to them in reference to assist some of their members whose lives have been severely affected during hurricane Sandy last October.
See you at Mays’ meeting!
“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes, April 2 2013
Director, Sally Getz, called the meeting to order @ 7:30pm. There were 23 members & 1 guest present. Sally introduced guest speaker, Matt Hocker, Assistant Librarian of the AACA Library & Research Center, Hershey, Pa. This is one of the leading automotive library & research centers in the world. He gave the group a detailed lecture on the availability of the library & the ways club & non club members can request information from them. The library was founded in 1981, & their general mission is to provide automotive information to the public. Motion made to accept meeting minutes of March by Don Sterner, seconded George Grossman, so carried. Treasurer’s report for March given by Clarence Getz, motion made to accept by Don Sterner, seconded by Isabel Lenny, so carried.
A. Historian – information is continually being sent to web master.
B. Kempton – Kempton flyers are available for those who need some.
C. Membership – no report
D. Newsletter – Shirley reports she receives an opened newsletter.
E. Programs – guest speaker for May meeting=Todd, rep from ‘Gift of Life’
F. Publicity – normal advertising for monthly meeting completed.
G. Technical – no report
H. Ways-n-Means – no report.
May 16 (Thursday)=PA State Police Museum & Academy Tour � Wear good walking shoes for approximately a 1 � hour guided walking tour. Meet in back parking lot of Cracker Barrel, Hamburg, Pa at 9:45am. Following the tour, we will all enjoy lunch at �The Farmer’s Wife� restaurant. If you have not already made tour reservation, you can find the form in your April newsletter, or contact Sally Getz, Cost= $3.00 per each member, $6.00 per each non-member
DAF 2013 – At the March 20th BOD meeting, many goals were discussed. Things are really coming together. Sally reported that so far there are 38 registrations fro Friday, 67 for Saturday, & 66 for Sunday. Dave Brady is offering memorabilia from his private collection for display under the tent. He & Clarence will get together to decide what items can be used
Collectible Automobile Magazine – Thomas Raab was sought out by Al Rogers of Collectible Automobile Magazine. He was asked if he’d like to have his car, 1977 Buick Regal Colonade, photographed, as the magazine was featuring cars from 1973-77. Tom met Mr. Rogers @ the Reading Airport where about 600 photos were taken. Some of these photos were published in the April 2013 edition of Collectible Automobile Magazine. What a great opportunity this was for Tom!! CONGRATULATIONS!!
John Scheib, BCA NE Regional Coordinator, is organizing a caravan this July to the BCA National Meet, South Bend, IN. Anyone wanting to join up with him, please contact John at
Two e-mails has been received by Sally from a National Oldsmobile Club of America member with the great concern over how the treasurer has been involved with the misappropriation of funds. Sally wondered if any other OCA member has heard of this.
Sally has shared a recent trip her family took to the Franklin Institute to view the �Titanic Exhibition.� She mentioned how very exciting it was to be able to experience the life of a passenger being on the Titanic, only, later towards the end, to see if you survive the demise of the Titanic or not.
50/50 Drawing – Joanne Grossman was the lucky winner of a set of ‘BUICK’ playing cards! Congratulations Joanne!
Motion made to adjourn by Isabel Lenny, seconded by Kelly Haas at 9:15 pm, so carried. Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
“FREE SPIRIT” Spring Tour, Thursday, May 16, 2013
Please join me on an interesting tour to the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) Museum & Academy in the beautiful & SWEET SMELLING Hershey, PA. We will meet in the back parking lot of the Cracker Barrel Restaurant, Hamburg, PA.
If you would like to have breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, be there early enough to allow yourself time to eat & then to be ready to leave on the tour by 9:30AM SHARP.
Besides visiting the museum, we will also be taken on an actual guided tour of the PSP Academy, just adjacent to the museum! Between the museum visit and the tour, the approximated time taken may be 1.5-2 hours. So please wear comfortable walking shoes. Both areas are handicapped accessible.
After the PSP museum & guided tour, lunch, on your own, will be consumed at The Farmers Wife, 10609 Allentown Blvd, Ono, PA. Good food w/ down home pricing!
Member & spouse name(s)____________________________________FEE=$3.00 x per person==_______
Non-member name(s)________________________________________ FEE= $6.00 x per person==_______
Cell phone number__________________________________________Total amount enclosed==_______
Make check payable to: “FREE SPIRIT” CHPTER.
Submit registration form & check to:
Sally Getz
1060 Main Rd.
Lehighton, Pa 18235
Please RSVP: Tuesday, May 14, 2013., 610-377-6130.
Hope you plan to attend to enjoy the day with me!!
Sally Getz
Sunday, June 16, 2013 at Weeping Willow Pavilion, Macungie Park, Macungie, Pa. Will partake in the sharing of lunch by 12:30pm. Bring your chairs & good stories to tell. �BUICK� will be played & enjoyed by all! As always, as the chapter provides the meats, plates, drinks, cups, & utensils, members provide other foods by the following: Last names that begin with A-I, bring hot dish (hot plates provided) J-R, bring dessert S-Z, bring cold dish Picnic is held RAIN or SHINE! Come out to share the day with us!
Better Communication=Better Automotive Repair
In addition to routine maintenance, every automobile will require repair from time to time. When a problem arises, you can help the staff @ your repair facility deliver more efficient & cost effective repairs by giving them clear & complete information about any symptoms you may have noticed. After all, no one knows your vehicle better than you.
To help identify automotive problems & communicate them to your repair technician, take a few minutes to use your senses & report what you find:
- Look @ the area around & under your vehicle for fluid spots on the ground where you park, or smoke or steam that may be visible.
- Listen for strange noises including squeals (shrill, sharp noises, usually related to engine speed), clicks (slight sharp noises, related to either engine speed or vehicle speed), screeches (high-pitched, piercing metallic sounds that usually occur while the vehicle is in motion) & rumbles (low-pitched rhythmic sounds). Also be mindful of pings (high-pitched metallic tapping sounds, often related to engine speed), heavy knocks (rhythmic pounding sounds) & clunks (random thumping sounds).
- Use your sense of Smell tp identify unusual odors such as light, sharp odors similar to the smell of burned toast, the smell of rotten eggs or a continuous burning, sulfur smell, thick acrid odors, the smell of gasoline vapors, burning resin or acrid chemical odors or sweet, steamy odors.
- Feel any differences in the way your car responds-hard steering, a rough or bouncy ride, vibrations or poor performance when applying the throttle or brakes.Organize your thoughts before beginning any discussion with the service writer or repair technician. Be prepared to explain:
- What the symptom is,
- When it began,
- It it comes & goes or is steady,
- If it occurs only when the engine is hot/cold,
- If it occurs during rain/snow (weather related),
- If it occurs only when turning left/right,
- If it occurs only when braking/accelerating.Communicate this information in your own words using simple terms. Avoid the use of technical jargon unless you are sure what it means. This reduces the possibility of providing inaccurate information & confusing the diagnostic process. In some cases, a short road test may be appropriate to point out the exact symptom you are concerned about. Sharing information empowers both you & the technician. No one expects you to have the technical expertise to identify the problem, but your observations are important. If you don’t share what you know, the diagnosis could cost more & needed repairs may not be made.When repairs are complete, arrive at the facility at least � hour before they close. Read your bill carefully & question any information or charges you don’t understand. Test drive your vehicle & return immediately if the problem persists. Clearly state the correction you desire, & give the facility a chance to correct any errors or oversights.Clear, concise communication is the key to a successful repair experience. But remember, always provide information, not a diagnosis. Let the experts determine the problem & recommend a cure.
My car, my car, it will not go, I think its time to part.
To chuck the signs that say on Tow, And buy one that will start.
I turn the key yet there’s no life, It really is a pain.
I need a car that has no strife, This one drives me in sane.
I think I’ll get a smallish one, The type that needs no wind.
So when the lights change I am Gone, To leave the rest behind.
I like the type of car that’s fast, The one’s that race about.
So foot down yeah & don’t come last, Show them there’s no doubt.
Now safety is an issue here, Don’t drive when you feel low.
And stay away from dirty beer, Or you’re life will be no more.
The piece of junk I own today, Don’t get me very far.
It only goes a little way, Then the taxi is my car.
I’ll get it fixed & sell it on, I don’t care what I get.
Just so long as this is gone, I’ll sell with no regret.
I will make sure that my next car, Is different than my last.
This one no doubt will get me far, And dam sure will be fast.
NASCAR Revs Up………
..with sleeker, stylized cars. NASCAR has a decidedly different look for 2013.
Since 2007, NASCAR’s Sprint Cup series has featured cars from Chevrolet, Dodge, Ford, & Toyota w/ little to distinguish them other than decals to imitate headlights, grilles, & taillights. Fans said they couldn’t tell the cars apart.
So NASCAR & the automakers worked together closely to redesign the cars to look more like versions seen in garages nationwide.
Each Chevrolet SS, Ford fusion & Toyota Camry has unique front & rear styling. The Fusion race car sports a horizontally slotted grille like the road car. The Camry features the same flow of the taillights into the bumper. The sleeker cars will encourage a new style of racing, too. Fans should see… where guys can hustle & be more aggressive than in the old car. Fans can judge for themselves.
MAY 2013
5 – 35th Annual GM on Display, Macungie Park, Macungie, Pa. 610-640-7464
7 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00pm. Guest speaker will be a rep from Gift of Life of Lehigh Valley
16 – PA State Police Museum, Academy, & lunch tour. Sally 610-377-6130
18 – Arts Fest & Rolling Art Exhibition, Hamburg, Pa. 610-562-3106
19 – 3th Annual Wind Gap Show. Tony 610-704-6586
19-23 – 12th Annual Brass in Bucks County, Reading, Pa.
30-JUNE 1 – AACA Eastern Division Meet, Carlisle, PA.
JUNE 2013 – – (NO MEETING)
1 – 2nd Annual Fallen Heroes Auto Show, Pottstown, Pa. Vic 610-323-8360
16 – Annual chapter picnic, Weeping Willow Pavillion, Macungie Park, Pa.
21-23 – GM Nationals, Carlisle, Pa.
22 – 18th Annual AACA Museum Car show, AACA Museum, Hershey, Pa.
JULY 2013 – – (NO MEETING)
4 – Car Show & Flea Market, Fleetwood Community Park, Fleetwood, PA.
13 – Cadillac/Lasalle club Inter-Regional Meet, AACA Museum, Hershey, Pa 717-557-6974
17-20 – BCA National Meet, South Bend, IN
20 – 13th Annual Thunderbird & Classic Car Show, Nazareth, Pa 610-434-2777
1966 Buick Riviera – excellent condition. Is a BCA member. Located in CT. 15K OBO. Arlen Roth 914-629-9654
1988 Buick Reatta Hardtop – Red w/ British Tan interior. Original owner, excellent body condition. 120K miles. 2008 inspection & registration. New tires, ps, pb, ac, pw, power seats. $3,000.00. Contact Toni 610-797-7900
Used it to haul children to school?
Need to earn money to keep her running great?
Why not consider joining Avon and keep your baby in fantastic shape!
Mary Lacy, Ind. AVON Sales Rep.
639 W Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18102
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