February 2013 Newsletter

"Free Spirit" Chapter of PA Officers for 2013 |
Director Sally Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 sally@buickfreespirit.org | Assistant Director Dan Reiniger 203 Bensal Road Hatboro, PA 19040-2305 215-441-8914 dan@buickfreespirit.org |
Secretary Stacy Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 stacy@buickfreespirit.org | Treasurer Clarence Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 clarence@buickfreespirit.org 610-377-6130 |
Membership Chairman Donald Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 don@buickfreespirit.org | Publicity Chairman Kelly Haas 610-965-4279 kelly@buickfreespirit.org |
Don Atwood, David Brady, Shirley Schaffer, Thomas Sylvester | |
Historian - All Members | |
Kempton Show - Clarence & Sally Getz | |
Newsletter - Sally Getz | |
Photographer - All Members | |
Property/Ways & Means - Clarence Getz | |
Publicity - Kelly Haas | |
Technical - All Members |
Director’s Thoughts for February 2013
As we enter the 2nd month of 2013, how many of you catch yourself writing 2012 for the year date instead of 2013? I imagine many of us do til we get it right. How many of you are superstitious of the number ’13’ @ the end of 2013? I know I do not do well w/ the number ’13’. It is a very unpopular number! As we enter into the early months of 2013, we should be looking forward to a GREAT year!
The most EXCITING & WONDERFUL event will be in August, DAF 2013!! I am so excited to be a part of this magnificent event! As the months draw near, we will be busy bees planning, formulating, & organizing for this event. I am hoping for a GREAT turnout of BIG, BEAUTIFUL, & WONDERFUL looking BUICKS each day on the show field. While the show will be celebrating its’ 50th year, we will be celebrating BUICKS’ 110th Birthday! Did you register your BUICK for the show? You have till July 1, 2013 to register. You won’t want to miss this superb event!
Besides DAF 2013, don’t forget to keep abreast of the many other events to go on throughout the year. Remember, the success of events depends upon its members participation. Please, if you have an idea(s), or would like to plan a day tour/weekend tour, let Dan or I know. We would be more than willing to help you out in the planning &/or organizing of your idea(s). Please enjoy the following:
History of Valentine’s Day: The origins of Valentine’s Day trace back to the ancient Roman celebration of Lupercalia. Held on February 15, Lupercalia honored the gods Lupercus & Faunus, as well as the legendary founders of Rome, Romulus, & Remus. In addition to a bountiful feast, Lupercalia festivities are purported to have included the pairing of young women & men. Men would draw woman’s names from a box, & each couple would be paired until next year’s celebration. While this pairing of couples set the tone for today’s holiday, it wasn’t called ‘Valentine’s Day’ until a priest named Valentine came along. Valentine, a romantic at heart, disobeyed Emperor Claudius decree that soldiers remain bachelors. Claudius handed down this decree believing that soldiers would be distracted & unable to concentrate on fighting if they were married or engaged. Valentine defied the emperor & secretly performed marriage ceremonies. As a result of his defiance, Valentine was put to death on February 14th. After his death, he was named a saint. As Christianity spread through Rome, the priests moved Lupercalia from February 15 to February 14 & renamed it St. Valentine’s Day to honor Saint Valentine.
Who is Cupid? According to Roman mythology, Cupid was the son of Venus, goddess of love & beauty. Cupid was known to cause people to fall in love by shooting them w/ his magical arrows. But Cupid didn’t just cause others to fall in love-he himself fell deeply in love. As legend has it, Cupid fell in love w/ a mortal maiden, Psyche. Cupid married Psyche, but Venus, jealous of Psyche’s beauty, forbade her daughter-in-law to look @ Cupid. Psyche, of course, couldn’t resist temptation & sneaked a peek @ her handsome husband. As punishment, Venus demanded that she perform 3 hard tasks, the last of which caused Psyche’s death. Cupid brought Psyche back to life & the gods, moved by their love, granted Psyche immortality. Cupid thus represents the heart & Psyche the (struggles of the) human soul. Approximately 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are sent each year. In order of popularity, Valentine’s Day cards are given to: teachers, children, mothers, wives, & sweethearts. The expression ‘wearing your heart on your sleeve’ comes from a Valentine’s Day party tradition. Young women would write their names on slips of paper to be drawn by young men. A man would then wear a woman’s name on his sleeve to claim her as his valentine. HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!!
“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes, January 8, 2013
Director Sally Getz called the meeting to order at 7:30pm. There were 23 members & 2 guests present. Prior to the business meeting, Sally introduced the guest speaker, Charlie Potts of Reading, Pa. He gave the group a detailed lecture on Carburetors. Charlie has been working on cars since a teenager. In 1958, he bought himself a 1955 Chevy. It had a bad carburetor. Charlie needed someone to fix it & couldn’t find anyone, so, he learned to fix it himself. This was the launch of the business he has today. He fixes about 5 carburetors a week, from all over the country! Charlie is a real carburetor ‘Problem Fixer’!
Motion made to accept meeting minutes of November by Sandy Sylvestor, seconded by Don Sterner, so carried. Treasurer’s report for December was dispensed w/ this month.
A. Historian-no report
B. Kempton-37th Annual Old Car Show date = Sunday, October 27, 2013
C. .Membership-no report
D. Newsletter-all changes of officers & BOD made on web site. Sally is currently trying to solicit ads.
E. Programs-Selections for 2013:
- January=Charlie Potts (Carburetors)
- February=American Red Cross Rep
- March=Mary Ann Snell (Estates & Elder Law)
- April=Chris Ritter (AACA Head Librarian)
- May=Gift of Life Rep (An Organ Donation Recipient) F. Publicity-no report
G. Technical-no report
H. Ways-n-Means – no reportII. OLD BUSINESS
Sally thanked all members for the past year of support. She enjoys being our Director, & her ‘wheels are always turning’ trying to keep our club active.
Kempton flyers are set to be sent to the printer for distribution by March.
‘2012 Chapter Charitable Contribution’ – Dream Come True. A ‘Thank You’ note has been received from DCT.
Winery Tour – An invitation was received by the ‘BOOM’ Chapter of MD & the Mason Dixon Chapter of BCA to join them in a Winery Tour, May 25th. This day tour will visit the Seven Valley’s Vineyard & the Four Springs Winery both of which are located in Seven Valleys, PA (near Glen Rock). The event is pay as you go w/ cost including both Wineries anticipated to be $20 pp. Lunch will be held @ Glen Rock Inn w/ separate checks.
Newsletter advertiser, Starlite Diner & Lounge, was obtained during tonight’s meeting by Ed Lenny. Way To Go, Ed!
DAF 2013; To date, 55 BUICKS are registered, & it’s only January! This is a positive sign that the turnout will be good this year. Registrations are coming in from many different states.
50/50 Drawing – Joanne Smith was the lucky recipient of this drawing.
Motion to adjourn made by Joanne Smith, seconded by Isabel Lenny @ 9:15 pm., so carried.
Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
Why? _______ Because…..
There are many customs & phrases that we use in everyday living that are a part of our routine. But did you ever wonder where they originated. The following makes for some very interesting reading. Hope it enlightens you.
WHY:Why do men’s clothing have buttons on the right while women’s clothes have buttons on the left?
BECAUSE:When buttons were invented, they were very expensive & worn primarily by the rich. Since most people are right-handed, it is easier to push buttons on the right through holes on the left. Because wealthy women were dressed by maids, dressmakers put the buttons on the maid’s right! And that’s where women’s buttons have remained since.
WHY:Why do ships & aircraft use ‘mayday’ as their call for help?
BECAUSE:This comes from the French word m’aidez-meaning ‘help me’–& is pronounced approximately, ‘mayday.’
WHY:Why are zero scores in tennis called ‘love’?
BECAUSE:In France, where tennis became popular, the round zero on the scoreboard looked like an egg & was called ‘1’oeuf,’ which is French for ‘the egg.’ When tennis was introduced in the US, Americans (mis)pronounced it ‘love.’
WHY:Why do X’s @ the end of a letter signify kisses?
BECAUSE:In the Middle Ages, when many people were unable to read or write, documents were often signed using an X. Kissing the X represented an oath to fulfill obligations specified in the document. The X & the kiss eventually became synonymous.
WHY:Why is shifting responsibility to someone else called ‘passing the buck’?
BECAUSE:In card games, it was once customary to pass an item, called a buck, from player to player to indicate whose turn it was to deal. If a player did not wish to assume the responsibility of dealing, he would ‘pass the buck’ to the next player.
WHY:Why do people clink their glasses before drinking a toast?
BECAUSE:It use to be common for someone to try to kill an enemy by offering him a poisoned drink. To prove to a guest that a drink was safe, it became customary for a guest to pour a small amount of his drink into a glass of the host. Both men would drink it simultaneously. When a guest trusted his host, he would only touch or clink the host’s glass w/ his own.
WHY:Why are people in the public eye said to be ‘in the limelight’?
BECAUSE:Invented in 1825, lime light was used in lighthouses & theaters by burning a cylinder of lime which produced a brilliant light. In the theater, a performer ‘in the limelight’ was the center of attention.
WHY:Why is someone who is feeling great ‘on cloud 9’?
BECAUSE:Types of clouds are numbered according to the altitudes they attain, w/ 9 being the highest cloud. If someone is said to be on cloud 9, that person is floating well above worldly cares.
WHY:In golf, where did the term ‘Caddie’ come from?
BECAUSE:When Queen Mary of Scots went to France as a young girl, Louis, King of France, learned that she loved the Scots game ‘golf.’ He had the 1st course outside of Scotland built for her enjoyment . To make sure she was properly chaperoned (& guarded) while she played, Louis hired cadets from the military school to accompany her. Mary liked this a lot & when she returned to Scotland (not a very good idea in the long run), she took the practice w/ her. In French, the word cadet is pronounced ‘ca-day’ & the Scots changed it into Caddie
. WHY:Why are many coin collection jar banks shaped like pigs?
BECAUSE:Long ago, dishes & cookware in Europe were made of a dense orange clay called ‘pygg’. When people saved coins in jars made of this clay, the jars became known as ‘pygg banks.’ When an English potter misunderstood the word, he made a container that resembled a pig, & it caught on. So now you know the origins of some of our strange customs & expressions.
Hope you were a bit enlightened!
5 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join others for supper @ 6:00 pm.
7-9 – 77th Annual AACA meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. 717-534-1910
1-3 – Atlantic Show, Convention Center, Atlantic City, NJ
3 – 46th Annual Hamburg Swap Meet & Car Corral, Hamburg, Pa. 610-262-9718
5 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join others for supper
20-24 – 16th Annual Greater LV Auto Show, Stabler arena, Bethlehem, Pa. 610-758-9691
2 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100 & 78, 7:30 pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00 pm. Guest speaker will be Mr. Chris Ritter, head librarian of the A.A.C.A. Library, Hershey, Pa.
24-28 – Spring Carlisle, Carlisle, Pa. 717-243-7855
27 – 3rd Annual Cool Cars Show, A.A.C.A. Museum, Hershey, Pa. mtsherrick@yahoo.com
28 – Automotive Literature & Gas Station Memorabilia Show, Leesport Farmers Market, Leesport, Pa. @ 6:00 pm. Guest speaker is Mary Ann Snell, Estates & Elder Law. This will be a presentation you won’t want to miss!
1956 Buick Century 4 Dr. Riviera, PS, PB, AM/FM radio conversion, next to NEW COKER wide whites w/ rubber nubs. Rear air shocks to supplement the BUICK ride! Original unrestored BUICK! Also comes w/ large tote of NOS & rare items worth about almost $1,000 if sold on E-Bay. Shop manuals, showroom sales brochure & a file of all records of maintenance. Trim=633. Paint=BMB or 8M8. Acc:F S. Body= #530. Style= #56-4639. Model= #56-63. Vin=6C3005072. $14,000 but is subject to discussion. Bob @ 1-570-606-8061,bobs0825@msn.com
1964 Buick LeSabre Convertible – Condition 3. 300 Cu-in engine, automatic transmission, new brakes-disc brakes, numbers match. 106,000 miles. RUNS GREAT! White paint, good black top, black interior w/ new carpet. Asking $10,500 Paul Barndt. 610-847-2278
1967 Buick GS 400 Hardtop project car. Original California car, assembled in Fremont, CA. Solid body in primer, doors on car, ready for paint. New Legendary black interior already on seats, also carpet & side panels. Original engine & transmission. New wiring harness, many new parts. Asking $7500. In central Florida. Must be reassembled. Parts to convert to AC included. Call Paula @ 407-873-7262
1988 Buick Reatta Hardtop – Red w/ British Tan interior. Original owner, excellent body condition. 120K miles. 2008 inspection & registration. New tires, ps, pb, ac, pw, power seats. $3,000.00. Contact Toni 610-797-7900
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Need to earn money to keep her running great?
Why not consider joining Avon and keep your baby in fantastic shape!
Mary Lacy, Ind. AVON Sales Rep.
639 W Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18102
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