December 2013 Newsletter

"Free Spirit" Chapter of PA Officers for 2013 |
Director Sally Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 | Assistant Director Dan Reiniger 203 Bensal Road Hatboro, PA 19040-2305 215-441-8914 |
Secretary Stacy Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Treasurer Clarence Getz 1060 Main Rd Lehighton, Pa 18235 610-377-6130 |
Membership Chairman Donald Sterner 121 Pheasant Drive Kutztown, Pa 19530 610-285-2346 | Publicity Chairman Kelly Haas 610-965-4279 |
Don Atwood, David Brady, Shirley Schaffer, Thomas Sylvester | |
Historian - All Members | |
Kempton Show - Clarence & Sally Getz | |
Newsletter - Sally Getz | |
Photographer - All Members | |
Property/Ways & Means - Clarence Getz | |
Publicity - Kelly Haas | |
Technical - All Members |
Director’s Thoughts for December 2013
For those ‘Free Spirit’ members who have attended the 37th Annual Old Car Show on Sunday, October 27,2013 held @ the Kempton Community Recreation Center, ‘THANK YOU’. This show was an unbelievably HUGE success for this small yet dynamic chapter. We needed this astronomical success for what we have been thru the past 2 years (snow & eve of Sandy). While 281 vehicles registered for display, 50 brave & courageous outdoor market vendors attended. Many positive comments heard by members. As I assisted in registering the day of show vehicle participants, I recognized many names of past year(s). I guess they figured they’d wait to see what the weather would really be like! Applications for membership for both the ‘Free Spirit’ & the National chapters were handed out to a few perspective persons. ‘THANK YOU’ to Paul Schaffer & Don Bear for set-up of the outdoor market on Friday. Also, Dave Brady, Kelly Haas, John Moore, & Thomas Sylvester for joining together on Saturday to set-up for the show itself. Also, those members who stayed to help clean-up after the show. As has been stated before, we may be a small group of fun loving Buick enthusiasts, but we are mighty & we can prove to ourselves that we can come together to host a nice event! ‘THANKS’ again to all those involved!! For all the prep time for this show, the day sure did go fast!
On Sunday, November 3, 2013, 14 members & 2 guests enjoyed a wonderful & very colorful Fall day while attending the Clover Hill Vineyard & Winery for a private tour & wine tasting aftennoon! Tourmasters Don/Stacy Sterner organized an outstanding tour! Everyone had the opportunity to taste several wines: dry/sweet, red/white. This winery was born 1975 by Pat/John Script. She was a school teacher while he was a contractor. They bought the land in Breinigsville to fulfill their dream of living/surviving off the land while either opening a potato, tomato, or Christmas tree farm. None of these ideas happened, instead; a vineyard was started. One day while walking the land, Pat/John each, found a 4 leaf clover, therefore, Clover Hill Vineyard & Winery was born. Beginning with 1000 grapevines, today there are 6 vineyards on over 80 acres. Each vine/plant is hand planted & on hillsides for better sun & drainage to grow. Do you know the 6 steps of tasting wine(s)? 1) Sight – look for clarity, 2) Swirl – swirling of the wine allows air go into the wine to release the aroma(s) & flavor(s) out in the wine, 3) Smell – the wine after you swirl for the aroma(s), 4) Sip – & hold in your mouth but do not swallow right away, let the flavor(s) infiltrate your taste buds 5) Swallow, 6) Savor the flavor(s). Don Atwood, Kathleen Duckett, & Isabel Lenny were star pupils for getting some correct answers to questions asked. After the tour, the group enjoyed many selections @ Giovanni’s restaurant. The quantity of food was tremendous! No one went away hungry! Many ‘THANKS’ to the Sterners’ for a most delightful & tasteful day!
As this is my last ‘Director’s Thoughts’ to you, I want to thank everyone, members & BOD, for their time, support, fellowship, & love I have received & felt as your Director for the past two years. Two years ago when I accepted the position, I was somewhat skeptical that I could follow through with completing the responsibilities & duties required as being Director & to fulfill your expectations. But with the encouragement, help, support, & camaraderie, I found out, & have achieved, the role as being Director. I hope I have fulfilled your expect- ations as Director & hope you had as much fun, if not more fun, as I have. We, as a chapter, have done many fun & great things. I hope you continue to give Don Sterner the respect, love, support, & encouragement to him as you have shown & given to me.
From my family to your family, ‘HAPPY HOLIDAYS’, Sally & family
“Free Spirit” Meeting Minutes, November 5, 2013
Director, Sally Getz, called the meeting to order @ 7:30 pm. There were 19 members present. A motion was made to accept the meeting minutes of October as printed in the November newsletter by Isabel Lenny, seconded by, Shirley Schaffer, so carried. Treasurer’s report for October was read.. A motion was made to accept by Don Sterner, seconded by Dolores Kennedy, so carried.
- I. Committee Reports
- A. Historian – pictures from Kempton & the Winery tours on web site.
- B. Kempton – 281 vehicles, 50 outdoor vendors, 5 indoor vendors, & 7 car corral cars turned out for the event. Congratulations to fellow ‘Free Spirit’ members as recipients of awards. Please see insert in the newsletter.
- C. Membership – application(s) given to 1 perspective member @ Kempton.
- D. Newsletter – please submit your membership roster form to Sally ASAP.
- E. Programs – some programs have been scheduled & reserved for 2014
- F. Publicity – no report
- G. Technical – no report
- H.Ways and Means – a ruler & poster was sold during Hershey. While a Buick blanket sold to a BCA member from NY, 2 blankets sold to a BCA member of Australia for his 2 grandchildren for Christmas..
- Congratulations to Bernard Boback, the recipient of the Class 27A Repeat Preservation award, during the Hershey Meet w/ his 1955 Buick!
- December 3 – Holiday Gathering – This is a busy time of year for all of us, so mark your calendars with this date NOW!
- Election of Officers & Board of Directors – Dolores Kennedy handed out ballots to vote for 2 of the 3 candidates of their choice for BOD, 2-year term. BOD (2year term) = Don Atwood
Dolores Kennedy then presented the slate by the committee:
Offices to be filled are as follows:- Executive Board:
- Don Sterner – Director (2015)
- Sally Getz – Asst Director (2015)
- Stacy Sterner – Secretary (2014)
- Clarence Getz – Treasurer (2014)
Board of Directors:
- Shirley Schaffer – (2015)
- Kathleen Duckett – (2015)
- Tom Sylvester – (2014)
- Tom Duckett – (2014)
Appointed Offices:
- Dolores Kennedy – Membership Chairperson (2014)
- Sally Getz – Newsletter Editor (2014)
- Kelly Haas – Publicity (2014)
- Executive Board:
- BCA National – Allentown, PA – July 27-30, 2016 An organizational meeting was held. Mrs. Dick Sweeney, California, volunteered charge of the tours. John Schieb looking for ideas for ‘After National Tours’. Future meeting, Columbus Day, 2014. Motion made to adjourn @ 8:30 pm by Alice Schaffer, seconded by George Grossman, so carried.
- Election of Officers & Board of Directors – Dolores Kennedy handed out ballots to vote for 2 of the 3 candidates of their choice for BOD, 2-year term. BOD (2year term) = Don Atwood
Respectfully submitted by: Stacy J. Sterner, Secretary
‘Free Spirit’ Annual Holiday Gathering, December 3, 2013
Where: Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts 100/78
When: Tuesday, December 3, 2013. Social hour 5:00pm, supper @ 6:00 pm.
Meal(s): Dinner includes: soup/salad/bread bar, entree, potato, vegetable, beverage, & assorted dessert(s).
Black Diamond Steak____Roast Turkey____Broiled Fresh Salmon Fillet____
Entertainment: Famous, ‘Crazy Bingo’. Each person brings a $10.00 WRAPPED gift, then leaves w/ a $10.00 UNWRAPPED gift!
Member Name:___________________ Spouse Name:___________________
(Member==FREE), (Spouse==$20.00), Non-member/Guest==$23.00
Child(ren) 12 years of age & under==menu choice w/ price
Check payable to ‘Free Spirit’ chapter. Mail to Sally Getz, 1060 Main Rd., Lehighton, PA 18235. Please reserve by Friday, November 29, 2013.
- Invest in Happiness – Do it for love. Don’t buy a car w/ the thought of making money overnight. Instead, buy something you are going to enjoy driving & owning. But don’t fall in love @ 1st sight, either. Some cars have great visual appeal, but that doesn’t always translate into value or reliability.
- Do your Homework – Once you decide on your ultimate dream car, do your homework. The Internet is a valuable research tool. Classic-car clubs & live auctions are also great places to network w/ knowledgeable enthusiasts. Before you buy, have an expert check it over to make sure you are getting exactly what you are paying for, & always buy from a reputable source.
- Study the Market – Several publications, including the Haggerty Price Guide, offer current values based on recent sales, & various collector car magazines, such as American Car Collector, publish auction results & offer market insights. In addition, most auction houses publish their sales results online.
- Buy the Best You Can Afford – Purchase the best example you can afford w/in its class; ‘Best of Category’ cars are traditionally more desirable & hold their value the most. In addition, classic cars w/ famous heritage, such as Auburn’s, Shelby Mustangs & 50’s & 60’s Cadillac convertibles, are better long-term investments than less-desirable marques. However, not every famous manufacturer’s model is valuable, each has had its share of winners & losers.
- Keep it Simple – Consider the following elements as part of your purchase decisions.
- **Documentation-Knowing a car’s complete history is one of the most important factors to consider. In brief, the more documentation, the better!
- **Originality-The more original a vehicle is, the higher value it will likely fetch. If a car has been restored, look for examples that have been restored to factory specs. In addition, the lower the original mileage, the more desirable the car.
- **Rarity-Low production numbers & survival rates are important factors in the value. Fewer than 1,000 produced is good. Fewer than 100 is even more desirable.
Most of all, don’t forget to enjoy your classic vehicle. Participate in a juried show such as a concours event, or enter your car in competitions. You could win awards & recognition that will help secure the car’s provenance & value to future owners. Enjoy the ride, there’s no other investment that compares to the enjoyment & memories of owning a collector car.
4WD systems trace their origins to the late 1800’s, while AWD did not arrive until the late 1970’s, when an AWD system was used on an Audi vehicle for rally racing. Now many cars & trucks come w/ 4WD or AWD, particularly crossovers & SUV’s.
Both drive systems engage all 4 wheels @ the same time to provide more traction. On AWD systems, the powering of the wheels is automatic & usually handled by the electronic system of the car. Some vehicles drive in 2WD, but then engage AWD when sensors detect a need for more traction & maneu- verability. When operating 4WD vehicles, drivers may have to manually engage the system. True 4WD uses a transfer case mounted by the rear of the transmission. A button or selector lever on older model SUV’s would switch the vehicle from 2WD to 4WD. Unlike in AWD systems, the front & rear axles are locked together on 4WD systems.
4WD systems are better for off-roading, rock-climbing & driving through mud & water. Individuals who participate in many off-road recreational activities will find that 4WD, especially in vehicles w/ more gears, is more effective & provides better traction. AWD provides stability, largely on roadways, & enables the vehicle yo modify the level of power to either the front or rear wheels to improve traction as needed. AWD is adequate for many drivers & situations.
It is important to note that, on icy or slippery roads, neither AWD or 4WD systems assist w/ braking or completely prevent cars from skidding on slick surfaces. Having the ability to engage all 4 wheels @ the same time should not be used as a replacement for cautious driving in inclement weather. 4WD & AWD both provide to all 4 wheels on the vehicle but have subtle differences that make each better for certain driving conditions.
PA is the undigested leader in the number of deer-vehicle crashes, w/ Michigan a distant second @ 87,277, according to State Farm. But West Virginia remained the state where a typical motorist stood the greatest chance of taking a deer in the headlights – a 1-in-38 chance. PA was 5th with a 1-in-73 chance. State Farm, which tabulates deer-vehicle encounters each year, said the odds of a driver hitting 1 have declined by 4.3% nationwide. Reportable deer-related crashes in PA (including ones where the driver missed the deer but hit something else) have steadily increased statewide going from 4,109 in 2008 to 4,855 last year. 14 people died & 1,352 were injured in 2012. A reportable crash is one in which someone is injured or one or more vehicles cannot be driven from the scene.
PennDOT statistics list vehicle-deer collisions specifically. According to those records, 3,362 deer were struck by vehicles statewide in calendar year 2012, killing 8 people. The previous year, 3,400 strikes caused 9 fatalities. In PennDot’s District 5, Berk’s County recorded the most deer struck last year @ 119, followed by Lehigh County, 83; Monroe 76; Northampton, 71; Schuylkill, 40, & Carbon County, 36. No related fatalities were reported in the 6-county district.
According to Cornell University Cooperative Extension, deer cause at least $2 billion in damage to vehicles, crops, timber & gardens annually in the U.S., w/ half of that inflicted on vehicles. The PA Game Commission says mating season for deer extends from mid-October to mid-December, peaking in mid-November. It is during this time that deer tend to dash about w/ little regard for their safety.
Experts offer a range of advice to drivers: Slow down, use high-beams when there is no nearby traffic, be extra cautious around dawn & dusk, & if you spot a deer, assume others are nearby. Never swerve to avoid a deer, you could lose control & risk colliding w/ oncoming traffic. Damage from striking a deer is covered by the optional comprehensive portion of auto insurance, which typically means the driver pays a lower deductible than for a crash. If the deer is missed but the motorist hits something else, collision coverage applies, another reason experts say not to swerve. If a struck deer dies, the driver or a passing motorist can claim the carcass, provided they are PA residents. They must report it to the Game Commission within 24 hours.
3 – Annual Chapter �Holiday Gathering� Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 78/100, Allentown, PA. Social hour w/ cash bar @ 5:00pm, dinner @ 6:00pm.
7 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Lounge, Rts. 100/78, 7:30 pm. Join members for supper @ 6:00 pm. Guest speaker, Kim/Charles Eckhart, Liberty Auto Glass, AutoGlass Repair & Replacement.
February 2014
4 – Monthly chapter meeting, Starlite Diner & Loung, Rts. 100/78, 7:30 p.m. Join members for supper @ 6:00 p.m.
6-8 – 78th Annual AACA Meeting, Philadelphia, PA.
Silvertown Wide White Walls,700 x 15, $100/4.
1952 Buick AM radio – John Giotti, 610-310-7512,
1968 Buick Electra 225 Limited 4-dr Htp, Cameo Cream w/ black vinyl top & interior, excellent unrestored condition, 38K mi. All power, AC, 2nd owner, Old Cars Report valued @ $12,000, asking $10,900. 610-530-1553,
1969 Skylark Convertible –
1981 Buick Regal V-6 w/ A/T, A/C, new paint, excellent interior. Runs Good! Rally wheels. Asking $5,500 OBO. Tom Sylvester, 610-366-7151
Used it to haul children to school?
Need to earn money to keep her running great?
Why not consider joining Avon and keep your baby in fantastic shape!
Mary Lacy, Ind. AVON Sales Rep.
639 W Tilghman St. Allentown, PA 18102
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